Kosova Women 4 Women is happy to announce that for six weeks during the summer, we will be joined by a student Intern from Harvard University in the United States. His name is Daniel Montoya and he is very excited to be a part of the team during his stay in Kosovo. He is a rising senior concentration in political science and economics, focusing on urban sustainable planning. He is originally from Miami, Florida and is excited to trade the beach for the beautiful green mountains of Kosovo. During the summer, Daniel will work closely with the staff of KW4W focusing on different initiatives to ensure a successful organization as it continues its transition towards its local status. He will work on fundraising techniques and helping out with events at any capacity that is asked for him. He is joining KW4W thanks to a recent partnership created between the Harvard International Relations Council (HIRC) and Kosova Women 4 Women. The HIRC is the largest student-run organization on Harvard campus which focuses on developing globally aware students willing to help the development and success of a better world order. This opportunity was brought by their yearly internship program, where hopefully the success of this year will result in more Harvard students coming back to Kosova for years to come. Daniel is very excited to be able to help KW4W in whatever they need. He states that their wonderful work and the practical ideology were the main motives that propelled him to join the institution. He is also excited to try the burek and really get to learn a bit more “shqip” before he heads back to the United States. We are happy to have Daniel and he is very happy to be here with us for the summer!