Hyrije Ymeri form Municipality of Shtwrpcw is one of the women from one year program of Women for Women International, now Kosova –Women 4 Women which run in local election for assembly of Shtwrpcw which were held in 2017 in Kosovo. Ymeri, who took this very bravery step, tells about her motivation which pushed her to enter politics and to challenge herself in this very unknown area for her. While telling what pushed her to take the road of deciding to be a candidate for Municipality Assembly, Hyrije highlights the role and the influence of the organization Kosova –Women for Women, her life in general and more specifically in changing the course of the way how women in her community perceive their role in society. Hyrije tells us that the one year program which she finished 4 years ago, is one of the crucial factors that shaped her attitudes and helped her to get more empowered in economic aspect and her position regarding her social status as a woman, her role and the responsibility for her and the other more empowered women of community to empower each-other and less empowered women in general., nga komuna e Shtërpcës, është njëra nga gratë e programit të Kosova –Women 4 Women e cila ka kandiduar në zgjedhjet lokale të mbajtura në Kosovë në nëntor të vitit 2017. Ymeri e cila e ka marrë këtë hap të guximshëm, rrëfen për motivet që e kanë shtyer atë t’i futet politikës dhe ta sfidojë vetën në këtë sferë. Në rrëfimin e saj mbi motivet dhe rrugën të cilën e ka përshkuar deri tek vendimi i saj për të kandiduar për asamblenë komunale të Shtërpcës, Hyrija tregon mbi rolin dhe ndikimin e organizatës Women for Women International, tani Kosova –Women 4 Women në jetën e saj dhe ndërrimit të kursit të mënyrës se si gratë e komunitetit të saj e përceptojnë rolin e tyre në shoqëri. Hyrija rrëfen se programin 1 vjeqar të cilin e ka përfunduar para katër viteve e sheh si një factor krucial që ka ndikuar në fuqizimin e saj si ekonomik poashtu edhe për vetëdijësimin e saj karshi pozitës së saj si grua në shoqëri dhe rolin e rrjedhimisht përgjegjësitë që bijnë mbi të dhe gratë si komunitet të ndihmojnë njëra tjetrën. “KW4W program which provided us one year training e.g for agriculture, helped us a lot in economic growth since thanks to the training I approached I won a donation for association to cultivate medicinal plants which also helped me improve my economic welfare. Përveç kësajAfter finishing the program me and a group of women of my community raised the “Boronica e Sharrit” association which for us is one of the greatest achievement since not just we have income generations from this, but this is also an achievement for us, as women, since now we are a source of our economic wellbeing”. Ymeri also mentions that one of the most touchable outputs of the one year program she participated in, was the achievement of social cohesion, since thanks to the several trainings they took part in, women got more socialized and created their community which have had a great impact for women being in touch with each-other, to share experiences, ideas, interests and needs. Thus, being aware for their social position which in our society is not so in favor of women, was one of the reasons which pushed Ymeri to candidate for local assembly. Since this according to Hyrije, would help that in a transparent way to articulate and represent the interests and needs of women in decision-making level in a more representative way. Even though she didn’t win, she is strongly motivated to go ahead with her cause to be a voice which will voice out the needs of her community and to work for them through different possible meanings. As for her personal aims, Ymeri says that she’s working on agriculture and will cultivate medicinal plants for which she won a donation.