2 Korrik, 2020: Berna Saraçi ka lindur më 16 maj 1993 në Prishtinë, Kosovë. E rritur në një familje ku krijimi i rrobave është një traditë, ajo vendosi të studiojë dizajnin e modës në shkollën Design Factory, e cila ishte shkolla më e mirë e modës në atë kohë. Gjatë studimeve, ajo prezantoi punën e saj me sukses në disa ekspozita dhe sfilata, ndërsa gjithashtu punoi si dizajnere e kostumit për festivalet “Prishtinë – Mon Amour” dhe “Skena UP”, të organizuara në Prishtinë.
In autumn of 2014, Saraçi participated in an international exhibition of product and fashion design, Month of Design Ljubljana, Slovenia, presenting her work and Kosovo, among other Southeast European countries. In April 2015, she took part in Prishtina Fashion Night, an event organized in Kosova’s capital, presenting 10 looks on the runway. In March 2018, Berna showed her collection in Fashion Weekend Skopje, Macedonia, where she was highly applauded and valued.
She continues working for her brand BERNASARACI, a brand that is becoming widely known for its elegance but also for its boldness and modernity. Saraci is poised to become one of the fastest rising stars of fashion in Kosova, serving original designs, creative ideas and fresh looks each time.
Berna is a beneficiary of the Start-Up grant through the project "Women's Opportunities in the Market, Economy and Networking" WOMEN which is implemented by @Kosova Women 4 Women, while funded by the German Government through @GIZ Kosovo.