Albana Malsiu, who graduated in 2014 from Women for Women International, now KW4W one year program, is another successful story of women who engaged in K-W4W program since she was one of the few women who run for elections in Municipality of Kaçanik. When speaking on what pushed her to run for Assembly of Kaçanik she highlights that being one of the women who benefited from the trainings provided from Women for Women International was one of the main references which pushed her to think beyond the idea that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. She tells that thanks to the trainings she was certified for to make possible for her ideas to become reality and to work in empower women and work harder to improve their social position as women. Merita tells that now she is a student of Public Administration, a fact that has a great impact for her to candidate in Local Elections. “There’s a lot of problem that we as citizens of Kaçanik have to face e.g lack of gynecologist for years is a fact that caused a lot of implications for the whole women in our Municipality, including myself”
Even though as Albana says “that just for five votes I didn’t make it to Assembly I am now more motivated to continue to work even harder in order to advance our rights in practical level and to change the way we are treated in society” and this she adds “ will be one of my priorities that in my own methods and the possible meanings to contribute in achieving the goals I set to myself”