Kosova Women 4 Women in cooperation with the University of Prishtina, Department of Social Work and with the participation of experts from various fields engaged in the promotion of equality, held the conference “Policies in action against gender-based violence” on November 25.
After the introductory speech, by Dashamir Bërxulli, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Pristina and by Mrs. Reyes Charle, Gender Advisor in the European Union, we discussed violence against women and social protection and services available in Kosovo.
Blerim Shabani, Chairman of the League of Centers for Social Work, Muhamet Jahiri, Head of General Investigations in the Regional Investigations Sector in Ferizaj, Arjeta Gashi, Director of the Association for Separated Parents, Zana Asllani, Director of the Center for the Protection of Women and Children in Pristina, as well as Ibrahim Tërstena, Supervisor of the Regional Office of Victim Advocates in Ferizaj participated in this panel moderated by Laura Cakolli, Project Officer at KW4W.
Afterwards, in the second part, the panel “The importance of rehabilitation programs in correctional and probation institutions” was held, where the open-source report of KW4W “Promoting legal measures for perpetrators of violence against women and girls and opportunities for rehabilitation of theirs” authored by Albulena Uka. In this panel, Merita Syla, Leader of the sector for the treatment of prisoners and minors and for social issues in the Correctional Service, Dashnim Osmani, Leader of Regime Programs at the Correctional Center for minors in Lipjan, Ganimete Krasniqi, Probation Officer at the Probation Service discussed of Kosovo, under the moderation of Rita Selim, Assistant in the Department of Social Work at the University of Pristina.
This conference is part of the project “Together Building Resilience” funded by the The
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund). The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is the only global grant-making mechanism dedicated exclusively to addressing all forms of violence against women and girls at local and national levels. To date, the UN Trust Fund has awarded USD 215 million to 646 initiatives in 140 countries and territories.