April 13, 2020: Kosova Women 4 Women in cooperation with the company Novus as started the 4 day online training 'Human Resource and the Legislation of the right to work' , for the beneficiary businesses of the project, Women's Opportunities in Market, Economy and Networking- WOMEN.
KW4W is providing virtual training through the online platform "Webex" in order for businesses to keep up with their capacity buildings activities, even in such difficult times for all of us.
A total of 29 representatives of beneficiary businesses from different municipalities of Kosovo participated in the training. Also, the training is being conducted interactively, from where the attendees have exchanged experiences among themselves.
This project is supported by the Government of Germany, through the program of GIZ Kosovo in the framework of the project 'Creating Employment through Export Promotion'- CETEP, while is being implemented by Kosova- Women 4 Women.