The first part of the conference “Policies in Action against Gender-Based Violence” has just wrapped up. This conference is devoted to the analysis of social components related to gender-based violence, including protection and social services, as well as the response to the causes of domestic violence.
The conference was opened by Iliriana Jaka-Gashi, Executive Director of Kosova – Women 4 Women and by Njomza Llullaku, Head of the Social Work Department in the University of Prishtina. Dashamir Bërxulli, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Prishtina, and Reyes Charles, advisor for gender issues at the EU Office in Kosovo, also spoke at the opening of the conference, touching on many important issues related to gender-based violence.
After the introductory speech, the panel “Violence against women: Social protection and available services” began, where Blerim Shabani, President of the Association of Centers for Social Work, Muhamet Jahiri, Head of General Investigations in the Regional Sector of Investigations of Ferizaj, Arjeta Gashi, Director of the Association for Divorced Parents, Zana Asllani, Director of the Center for the Protection of Women and Children in Prishtina and Ibrahim Terstena, Supervisor of the Regional Office of the Devenders of Victims in Ferizaj discussed for the services which their institutions offer. This panel was moderated by Laura Cakolli, Project Officer for the project “Together Building Resilience”.
This conference is part of the project “Together Building Resilience” funded by the The
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund). The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is the only global grant-making mechanism dedicated exclusively to addressing all forms of violence against women and girls at local and national levels. To date, the UN Trust Fund has awarded USD 215 million to 646 initiatives in 140 countries and territories.